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5 Books That Will Help You Cultivate Success
Category: Book Reviews
11 Jul

5 Books That Will Help You Cultivate Success

  • July 11, 2021
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Over a lunch of Peruvian chicken, two former clients probed me to find out what makes an accomplished student, you know, the kind that gets into the country’s most selective schools. They were curious to know what precisely the students did, what the parents did to help them, and what..

15 Aug

Book Review: BS/MD Programs: The Complete Guide

  • August 15, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. As an independent educational consultant, I am constantly reading and searching for books about niche programs that can help me in my practice. Todd Johnson’s book is definitely one of the most thorough and informative texts I have bought to date. There’s no fluff, just fact, and that’s exactly what..

11 Aug

Book Review: Right College, Right Price

  • August 11, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. As a independent educational consultant, I am constantly reading books about every aspect of the college admissions process. After all, my goal is to help families make the best decisions for their students by providing them with as much accurate information as possible, especially with regard to financial aid. Frank..